

$149 for the 2 Week Program

Shake off winter and leap into spring!

Join our 2 Week Cleanse Program fully supported by a naturopath guaranteed to make you feel alive and fresh, shining eyes and skin, ready for summer!

What is a N&B Cleanse ?

This is a multifaceted program that focuses on fresh foods with recommended supportive herbal and nutritional supplements tailored to your individual needs. Gentle exercise, lifestyle tips and encouragement to make time for reflection. N&B Cleanse Program will support your natural physiological detoxification processes as well as encourage you to make positive steps to clean up your life in general - emotional and mental detox too.
Make lasting change to your life - this is a complete program and not just a detox diet.

Why Cleanse?

Feeling washed out? Bloated? Allergies? Anxious? Depressed? Overweight? Joint Pain? Brain Fog?
This is a kick start towards a healthier way of living. We are exposed to an alarming array of environmental toxins in the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink. A cleanse eases the load and exposure to all the chemicals and toxins with the good food during the program as well as the function of our organs of elimination (liver, kidney and skin) being supported by taking nutritional and herbal supplements throughout the program. Allow the time, a few moments each day to reflect on where you are at with your life, and where you want to be.
Food intolerances are a major cause for digestive symptoms and this cleanse removes main food triggers, and the cleanse is the start of an elimination diet. If you are feeling digestive relief at the end of the program, you can continue with naturopathic support through an elimination diet and this can be discussed at your check in appointment.

Why join a Program?

A program will make it easier to commit to a plan and will be fun and motivating. This cleanse program has been designed by a qualified health professional, and will provide guided support throughout the 2 weeks.

How the N&B Cleanse Works

Sign up and book in for your pre-program 15 min consult to determine your unique health picture and requirements.
Visit N&B clinic or connect online for your 15 min consults to check in.

It’s not about what you can’t have, it’s about making the steps to lasting change and nourishing all aspects of your life so that every cell in your body is vibrating in harmony.


  • 1 x nutritional and detox powder to support gut health and detoxification systems

  • 1 x N&B organic detox tea (100 g)

  • one in-person or online 20 min consultation at the start of the program

  • your information package - comprehensive meal plans, recipes, shopping lists, stocking your pantry

  • one 20 min consult during the second week - check in to see what came up for you, any further support needed

  • daily N&B Cleanse emails to keep you on track, motivated and inspired with loads of tips and information to make lasting change to your everyday life.

Take the first step to better health and contact N&B today.


Why Why Why!!! Environmental toxins are found in everyone and everywhere on the planet; in our soils, food, air, water and homes. More than 140000 toxic chemicals are used commercially, with more than 3000 in high volume with 1500 new chemicals released each year. They are absorbed into our body and our detoxification systems; the liver, kidneys and skin work 24/7 to eliminate these toxins to keep us safe, well and functioning. Our detoxification and elimination systems may become overburdened with the toxic load. At this point our health is affected and we can become lethargic, to the extent that our endocrine (hormone) system is disrupted with far reaching systemic affects. These toxins have been clinically demonstrated to be responsible for many conditions including chronic inflammatory diseases, autoimmune conditions and neurological problems.

A professional cleanse program supports our own detoxification systems. Essential nutrients are provided to maximise our natural detoxification pathways.

There are different levels of cleanse programs that depend on your unique health picture. At the end of your cleanse program you will be guaranteed to feel a lot brighter and lighter in energy and life. Often, cleanse programs are the key initial step that allows true healing to begin.

Read more about Detoxification here and email your expression of interest and areas you might be keen to improve -I will be in touch to let you know when the next program is starting.

*Call to discuss with me if you have friends or interested in a workplace Cleanse Program.  0435049023.