Feeling Washed out? Bloated? Allergies? Anxious? Overweight? Joint Pain? Brain Fog? $189 for two weeks with Nourish and Breathe you can
Cleanse Starts Monday 6th January 2025
The N&B Reset Cleanse for 2025 starts Monday 6th January. Join our 2 Week Cleanse Program fully supported by a Naturopath guaranteed to make you feel alive and refreshed, with shining eyes and glowing skin, ready for the warmer months!
This is a balanced program that focuses on fresh foods with recommended supportive herbal and nutritional supplements tailored to your individual needs. Emotional wellbeing is also addressed with gentle exercise, lifestyle tips and encouragement to make time for reflection. N&B Cleanse Program will support your natural physiological detoxification processes as well as encourage you to make positive steps to clean up your life in general - emotional and mental detox too.
Make lasting changes to your life - this is a complete program and not just a detox diet.
What’s Included?
One:One Naturopathic Support
The Package Includes 2 one:one online 15 minute consultations with Renae (one each week) to ensure you are getting the most out of the program for your personal health situation and to support you with any questions or challenges along the way.
Nutritional and Herbal Support
To support your cleanse we are including 1 x nutritional and herbal support supplement to support gut health and detoxification systems. This will be personalised for you at your first appointment.
Nutritionist Approved Meal Plans and Recipes
The program includes comprehensive family friendly meal plans, recipes, shopping lists and bonus healthy pantry guide. There’s even snacks!
Naturopathic House Made Cleanse Tea
Enjoy a bag of our original house made N&B organic Cleanse tea (80 g bag), it will get you through the coffee hour, soothe your digestive system and speed up your progress.
Daily support emails from Renae
Daily emails to keep you on track, motivated and inspired with loads of healthy tips and information to make lasting change to your everyday life.
Flow Yoga Canberra
Flow Yoga Canberra are on board to offer Cleanse clients short introductory meditation and head, neck and shoulders stress release!
This is a complete health and wellbeing program - not just a detox diet. Make your health a priority, take the first step to a positive, refreshing change. We’ll look after you.
MRMed MHSc BSc AdvDipNat MNHAA | Naturopath + Herbalist + Nutritionist + Mother + Supporter + Friend
Woman’s Reproductive and Hormonal Health for healthy Menstrual Cycles
Natural Contraception & Conscious Conception & Beyond
Metabolic Health - blood sugar, cardiovascular health, weight & liver health
Stress, Depletion & Fatigue. Your adrenals & immunity.
Gut Healing & Digestive Well Being
Whole Food Nutrition tailored for you
I LOVE all things HEALTH, always have. Since a teenager I was interested in fitness and diets and we are talking the 80's with aerobics and leotards. I grew up with Vogel's bread salad sandwiches in my lunchbox and sesame bars my treat food. And, after living life to the full in my 20's, I discovered Naturopathy and the beginnings of Nourish & Breathe.
As a mother of 4 children I have a real time appreciation of the challenges of family life in all its entirety. I am able to bring this dimension and understanding to my professional practice. The body is quite simply amazing! With our health NOTHING should be looked at in isolation. Our emotional, neurological, immunological and physical bodies and systems are all interrelated and which is why I love and feel incredibly fortunate to be a practitioner of Naturopathic Medicine. As a naturopath we are given the tools to take a holistic approach to your health and treat at all levels.
To you and your families health and happiness I look forward to our own personal health relationship and journey and hope that you will join us in this 14 day cleanse as I know it will make a difference to you and your family.
Who is this program for and why join?
Women of any age and feeling… washed out? Bloated? Allergies bothering you? Anxious? Depressed? Flat? Overweight? Joint Pain? Brain Fog? Tired? Unmotivated? Feeling anxious about looking after yourself during lockdown?
It has been a crazy couple of years with an incredible amount of stress, which is why I started this program. A supported, short program is realistic to achieve, and together we can get through it and make some lasting positive changes in your life.
This cleanse program has been designed by a qualified health professional, and provides education on food, gut health and detoxification. I will personally provide guided support throughout the 2 weeks.
Change up the way you shop, cook and eat with simple, easy to follow, whole food recipes which make you feel amazing!
Rachel S, Canberra
Renae has been my Naturopath for several years and has made a huge difference for me in my health journey. She is always thorough and extremely knowledgable and now that the Clinic and Apothecary is open in Dairy Road it’s even nicer to come and see her in the beautiful new space. I would recommend Renae to any woman wanting a down to earth and experienced naturopath to trust in their wellness and health journey.
I can sleep! Sarah, ACT
I did a one:one 14 day cleanse with Renae earlier this year and I was nervous but Renae was really supportive and encouraging and took the time to make sure the cleanse suited me personally. I’m so thrilled that I persevered because, amongst other benefits, I can now fall asleep more easily and wake up feeling clearer and alive again! Thanks Renae
A valuable process. Annie P
I enjoyed the cleanse I did with Nourish and Breathe last year. It was surprisingly fun, I wasn’t hungry and the recipes were perfect to adapt for my whole family. I don’t stick as closely to the meal plans now but 14 days was enough for me to understand my body better and what foods affect my health. I have my energy back now and when I stray too much from the principals I know exactly how to get back on track. A really valuable process.
How the N&B Cleanse Works
Sign up and book in for your pre-program 15 min consult to determine your unique health picture and requirements.
Visit N&B clinic or connect online for your 15 min consults to check in.
Collect your starter pack (Contactless pick up or postage for interstate $10)
1 x nutritional and cleanse supplement to support gut health and detoxification systems. The most appropriate one for you will be discussed at the initial consult.
1 x bag N&B organic detox tea (80 g)
Your information package - comprehensive meal plans, recipes, shopping lists, stocking your pantry all online in a private cleanse member area.
Daily motivational and educational emails from Renae to check in on you.
We can do this together!
Why Cleanse?
Environmental toxins are found in everyone and everywhere on the planet; in our soils, food, air, water and homes. More than 140000 toxic chemicals are used commercially, with more than 3000 in high volume with 1500 new chemicals released each year. They are absorbed into our body and our detoxification systems; the liver, kidneys and skin which work 24/7 to eliminate these toxins to keep us safe, well and functioning.
When our detoxification and elimination systems become overburdened with the toxic load our health is affected to the extent that our endocrine (hormone) system is disrupted with far reaching systemic affects and we start to notice symptoms like lethargy, anxiety, digestive issues, hormonal issues etc.
These toxins have been clinically demonstrated to be responsible for many conditions including chronic inflammatory diseases, autoimmune conditions and neurological problems.
A professional cleanse program supports our own detoxification systems. Essential nutrients are provided to maximise our natural detoxification pathways.
There are different levels of cleanse programs that depend on your unique health picture. At the end of your cleanse program you will be guaranteed to feel a lot brighter and lighter in energy and life. Often, cleanse programs are the key initial step that allows true healing to begin.
Join me and take that first step to taking care of yourself.
Will I be hungry?
We kickstart healing with a 2 day cleanse which might be an adjustment if you eat a lot of processed food. The focus is on easily digested foods and removing foods that are common allergens - gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, and corn. This allows both the gut and immune system to calm down, symptoms to subside, healing to begin, and support organ function.
There is no restriction on quantities, however it is important to slow down. Don’t rush anywhere, don’t hurry your meals, be present with everything you do.
I always sign up for these things but can never stick with it...
That’s why I have made this a short and supported program. Sometimes it is difficult to make changes when we are already feeling unmotivated or tired. However, I will support you through the program, we have a meeting prior to start of program to discuss what is going on for you and one in the second week to check in. I will also email you every day with new tips and tricks to stay on track. If there is interest I can also start a private Facebook Group for those who join to provide support and encouragement for each other in realtime too! Maybe ask a good friend to join and support you, they will also get so much out of it.
I find it impossible to cook for me and a seperate meal for the family.
As a mother of 4 teenagers, I understand! I have designed the recipes so that there are family friendly, scalable options and vegetarian/flexitarian options for lunches and dinners. So you will only need to cook one meal!
The menu plan is also flexible so you can change it up depending on who you are cooking for.
All the recipes are simple and some can be prepared in advance with the ingredients you have on hand. There aren’t any ingredients you need a llama and a day pack to find.
Is this a Quick fix?
This program is not a quick fix. It is a solid start to longer term change. Once you start to feel better you will feel more motivated to continue and we can continue to support you if you would like.
There are different levels of cleanse programs that depend on your unique health picture. At the end of your cleanse program you will be guaranteed to feel a lot brighter and lighter in energy and life. Often, cleanse programs are the key initial step that allows true healing to begin.
Why is this program different to the other programs out there?
A supported, short program is realistic to achieve than many of the subscription style programs available, and together we can get through it and make some lasting positive changes in your life.
This cleanse program has been designed by a qualified health professional, and provides education on food, gut health and detoxification - it is a wholistic program which will attend to your overall health while many popular programs are only focussed on weight loss.
This will only be a small group and you will benefit from my unique women's health experience specialising in Woman’s Reproductive and Hormonal Health for:
Healthy Menstrual Cycles
Natural Contraception & Conscious Conception & Beyond
Metabolic Health - blood sugar, cardiovascular health, weight & liver
Stress, Depletion & Fatigue. Your adrenals & immunity.
Gut Healing & Digestive Well Being
Whole Food Nutrition tailored for you
How Does a cleanse work?
We are exposed to an alarming array of environmental toxins in the air we breathe, the food we eat and the water we drink. A cleanse eases the load and exposure to all the chemicals and toxins with the good food during the program as well as the function of our organs of elimination (liver, kidney and skin) being supported by taking nutritional and herbal supplements throughout the program.
Food intolerances are a major cause for digestive symptoms and this cleanse removes main food triggers, and the cleanse is the start of an elimination diet. If you are feeling digestive relief at the end of the program, you can continue with naturopathic support through an elimination diet and this can be discussed at your check in appointment.
Detoxification is a natural metabolic process whereby the environmental and dietary toxins we are exposed to are changed into less harmful substances, and subsequently excreted from the body. Supporting detoxification is a cornerstone of natural medicine practice. The Nourish Detoxification program aims to address dietary and lifestyle factors to reduce the burden placed on your detoxification system, whilst simultaneously supporting the capacity of your key detox organs.