Journal Articles and Resources
Bath Salts - make your own
Either for yourself or that perfectly simple handmade gift - for young or old. Making at childrens birthdays, gifts for your bookclub mates, or your favourite aunts. Maybe they will be looking forward to your gift every year.
Your Perception of Your Stress
Stress: everyone feels it, but not everyone responds the same. It’s not just what happens to us — it’s how our body perceives it. That perception can trigger a chain reaction in the nervous system, influencing everything from energy levels to digestion, mood, and sleep. In this post, we unpack what stress really is, how it affects the body, and why understanding your personal stress response might be the most powerful step toward feeling better.
Your Fertility Journey
Thinking about starting a family? You’re not alone. Fertility is deeply personal — and for many couples, it’s also unexpectedly complex. With 1 in 6 Australian couples facing challenges to conceive, understanding your hormones, cycle, and overall health is an important first step. In this post, we explore what really underpins fertility and how naturopathic support can help you navigate the journey.
Where are you at?
Life doesn’t always fit into neat boxes. Sometimes it’s just… a lot. The career shifts, relationship changes, caring for others, hormones doing their thing — and you trying to hold it all together. This article is for anyone feeling stretched, stuck, or simply unsure of what’s next. Especially if you're in your 40s or 50s and wondering, “Is it just me?” (It’s not.)
Immune Depletion & Post Viral Fatigue
Feeling run down all the time isn’t just in your head — it’s in your immune system too. When your body’s defences are low, it struggles to fight off infections and recover properly. Over time, that constant cycle of illness, stress, and fatigue can wear you down even more. In this post, we explore the link between chronic fatigue and immune depletion, and what you can do to start rebuilding from the inside out.
Going Clean
If you’re reading this, chances are you already have a sense that something’s not quite right. Over the past 50+ years, we’ve been sold the idea that chemicals are essential — to clean our homes and bodies, preserve our food, grow our gardens, enhance flavour, purify water, even fireproof our furniture. But at what cost? This post is about going clean — stripping it back, paying attention, and taking small, practical steps to reduce your toxic load.
Winter Immunity
Winter Immunity
If you are in a good state of health, feeling vital, feeding your body bountiful nutrients, balancing your daily stresses, supporting a strong healthy digestive system, adequate sleep, and minimal exposure to environmental toxins then your immune system has the capability and resources to keep you well against the winter bugs.
Nourish Your Moon Cycle with the Food you Eat
Nourish Your Moon Cycle with the Food you Eat
Feed your body well. Support your cells and hormonal balance by supplying the nutrients that your body responds to and needs. Specific vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbs and fats provide the building blocks of hormones, neurotransmitters, enzymes.
Your Thyroid & Hypothyroidism
The thyroid secretes thyroid hormones that are essential for the normal development of many human tissues, and regulates the metabolism/function of virtually all cells and organs. Ie thyroid function can affect all aspects of your health.
There is a relationship between histamine and oestrogen that can exacerbate your PMS symptoms, but it is more about the capacity of your body to deal with histamine.
Women & Cardiovascular Health Your Microcirculation in Focus
Did you know that unfortunately cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a leading cause of death among Australian women, and a leading contributor to the burden of disease. Your everyday health really does matter.
Spring Equinox. Out of the long cold winter and into the light.
A Cleanse lightens the load and supports your natural detoxification systems. Diet, movement and lifestyle.
Heavy menstrual bleeding, PAIN, absent periods, MOODS, long cycles, PCOS, short cycles, ENDOMETRIOSIS
I truly believe that peace can be found by all women with regards to their menstrual cycle, whilst also optimising for fertility and preparation for pregnancy.
Are you experiencing weight you can’t lose, low energy, cardiovascular, heart, liver and blood sugar problems?
Any combination of these factors are signs that you are experiencing metabolic disorder that may develop into metabolic syndrome.
Metabolic Syndrome is when the liver, pancreas, and gut stop communicating correctly - sending your blood chemistry into disarray and which results in the development of chronic health conditions - with obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease resulting.
YOUR DIGESTIVE HEALTH - from top to bottom.
Are you tired of feeling bloated, running to the bathroom too many times in one day, or restricting your diet so hard to avoid feeling blah that you are left eating zucchini and carrots?? This straight forward article explains how to get to the cause of your tummy trouble.
Endometriosis is a condition that affects 10% (200 million worldwide) of women, although this number is considered an underestimation as clinical diagnosis is difficult, invasive & expensive. In Australia 6% of women receive a clinical diagnosis by age 40-44 yrs. The endometriosis condition is unique to each and every woman. For this reason I believe the treatment of endometriosis requires a very individualised approach.
Stress Management & The Gut Relationship
STRESS PART 2 | This article looks at how stress specifically affects the digestive system and what you can do to support digestion. Good digestion and a happy gut is key for foundational good health. We will also look at specific nutrients, foods and lifestyle practices to support your stress response.
What is stress and how does it affect your health?
STRESS PART 1 | Health is not just the absence of disease, but rather a holistic state of mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional wellness. Stressors can have a negative impact on our physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental selves. In this article we explore what stress is and how it affects our health.
Perimenopause & Menopause
Perimenopause and menopause can be a challenging transition for women as their hormones change, leading to physical and emotional symptoms. It's important to take care of your health during this time, as underlying health conditions can be revealed or amplified. There are steps you can take to manage symptoms during this phase…
Natural Preparation For Conception.
An overview of Natural Preconception Care by Nourish and Breathe - Preconception care isn’t just about falling pregnant, or taking a prenatal vitamin. Preconception care is the opportunity to improve your health and your partner's health before conception for healthy eggs & sperm, healthy pregnancy, for birth and beyond.