Spring Equinox. Coming out of the long cold winter into the light.

It is a transition time of year. It is spring, we are coming out of a long cold winter.

Usually during the colder months we have been eating heavier foods, not exercising or moving as much, and as a result may be feeling a little tired and worn, sluggish even.

But the days are getting longer, we now have more daylight hours to be able to get out and about. 

The temperature is rising and we can literally shed the layers, and sometimes it feels like we need to shed layers of ourselves. It is an awakening and a paring back.

Over the winter period there may have been a few extra chocolate brownies, red wines, rich meals, late nights and sleep-ins. Some poorer habits have started and you know you need to get started, and what you need to do, but you just can't seem to get there.

What is a Cleanse?

A Cleanse is extra support for our natural detoxification systems - which is led by the liver - and then supported by our elimination systems - the skin, the bowels, and the urinary system.

Our body is undergoing detoxification processes all the time, every single day and night. All that we absorb passes through the liver for ‘processing’. The digestive system has broken down all that we have ingested for absorption, and then all is sent off to the liver to deal with. Repackaged, deconjugated, conjugated, and all of these chemicals now either head for elimination or into the bloodstream and around the body. It is a massive complex, highly orchestrated system, it is truly amazing.

An N&B Cleanse looks to a health reset:

Restoring good daily habits - movement, diet, and mental wellness

Shifting the diet to warmer weather spring eating

Supporting digestion for absorption, and bowel health for elimination

The liver requires certain nutrients to undertake all of its tasks. 

There are also herbal medicines and plants that optimise liver, gastrointestinal, kidney , lymphatic and cellular elimination pathways.

A Cleanse is an opportunity to give your natural body systems a break, to be clean eating, to set intention.
Clean eating means:

An abundance of fresh vegetables, fruits, wholefoods,

Avoiding foods that cause you digestive upset, and 

Reducing exposure to chemicals and toxins in foods that cause an extra load on your digestion and liver.

Signs of a post winter sluggish system that indicate you could benefit from a Cleanse might be:

Reduced energy and fatigue

Slower digestion with a slower bowel movement

Feeling bloated after meals with extra gas

Increased premenstrual symptoms

Increased inflammation in the body - sore joints, brain fog

One of my favourite habits is taking advantage of the earlier light and rising to walk or stretch it out with some yoga and connect within, and a mug of warm fresh lemon and ginger tea. 


A Naturopathic supported Cleanse involves:

  • 2 x 15 minute Clinic appointments - booked by you once you sign up

  • website portal access to all recipes, meal plans and guides - can be downloaded

  • daily emails for motivation and education on all things detoxification and digestion

  • detoxification or digestion practitioner product to support your cleanse, and N&B Cleanse Tea

  • online portal for mini yoga sessions with Odona of Flow Yoga


Women & Cardiovascular Health Your Microcirculation in Focus
