Journal Articles and Resources

stress, Digestive Health, detoxification Renae Scott stress, Digestive Health, detoxification Renae Scott

Going Clean

If you’re reading this, chances are you already have a sense that something’s not quite right. Over the past 50+ years, we’ve been sold the idea that chemicals are essential — to clean our homes and bodies, preserve our food, grow our gardens, enhance flavour, purify water, even fireproof our furniture. But at what cost? This post is about going clean — stripping it back, paying attention, and taking small, practical steps to reduce your toxic load.

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immunity, stress, Digestive Health Renae Scott immunity, stress, Digestive Health Renae Scott

Winter Immunity

Winter Immunity

If you are in a good state of health, feeling vital, feeding your body bountiful nutrients, balancing your daily stresses, supporting a strong healthy digestive system, adequate sleep, and minimal exposure to environmental toxins then your immune system has the capability and resources to keep you well against the winter bugs.

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