Jana - Ayurveda & Yoga | Géraldine Saint-Gilles

Jana Services

  • Massage

    Receiving a massage is a moment for yourself, an inner journey where time is suspended and letting go has many benefits. The body reclaims the space that is taken over by stress, worries and lack of sleep. In some cultures, massages can be enjoyed everyday and at any age.

    Compassionate touch allows the muscles to let go and become more flexible, the respiration slows down and the mind relaxes. This is how the body regains the balance that can be lost due to the challenges of everyday life.

    In order to fully benefit from your time of relaxation, Geraldine’s 90 minute massage appointments include a 20-30 minute face to face consultation/conversation beforehand that will help define your constitution and to discuss any areas of concern or sensitivities. This time allow Geraldine to determine your unique and most appropriate treatment.

    Geraldine provides a rang of massage services.

  • Ayurveda Assessments and Services

    Ayurveda teaches us to live longer and increase our energy to it s full potential. Based on yoga, nutrition, healthy lifestyle and above all, the balance of 3 principals called the Doshas. The Doshas are the 3 dynamic energies in the body and are responsible for mind and body functions. The 3 Doshas are Vata, Pitta and Kapha.

    An initial assessment will identify your Ayurvedic constitution. Your profile will be defined after careful observation and questions pertaining to your lifestyle, your diet and your daily habits.

    The first consultation consists of an in-depth interview in order to analyse every aspect of your discomfort (whether it be mental or physical) and to evaluate your constitution (Prakriti) and possible imbalances (Vikriti). The consultation involves observing the tongue, the skin, the hair, the hands and the face. Your digestive functioning will also be evaluated.

    Following Ayurvedic principals, personalised recommendations for new lifestyle habits will be made regarding nutrition, daily care, massages and exercise, with the goal of improving general well-being.

  • Yoga Classes and Workshops

    Yoga is A 5000 year-old practice originating in India. This practice teaches us to live better with what we have today – our body, our mind and our resources. Yoga adapts to each person and takes care of the whole being. Geraldine offers a range of Hatha yoga classes for everyone.

Contact Geraldine.