Journal Articles and Resources
Intimate Health | Part 2
The second article in our Women’s Natural Health Intimate Health Series. Let’s take a look at what next with the understanding of vaginal health, concerns and natural therapeutic treatments.
Intimate Health | Part 1
Intimate Health is vaginal health…beyond candida. Investigating and restoring vaginal microbiome and naturopathic treatment for bacterial vaginosis, candida, and vaginitis conditions. And considering the association with urinary tract infections and gut health.
The Absent or Irregular Period & PCOS
An irregular cycle can be the first sign to you that your menstrual health is imbalanced. A free Women’s Health Article addressing symptoms and options for women experiencing an absent or irregular period or PCOS.
There are 2 main occasions I will recommend to clients to undertake hormonal testing. When you have been trying to conceive for more than 3-6 months, or when experiencing disrupted menstrual periods. Find out more about Hormonal Testing and how it can help your recovery.
There are many factors that influence your monthly flow, and when you look closely at what may be influencing your flow, great relief can be found that has far reaching effects into all aspects of your life - your work, your relationships, your sense of self - self-love, self-confidence and self-empowerment.
Your Everyday Health Matters
Good Health and Well Being is an Active Practice - step up and make good choices everyday for your wellbeing
The Modern Day Herbalist
The Modern Day Herbalist stems from a tradition of herbal medicine across cultures with the consideration of science.
Menopause Wellness
Menopause is a life phase transition, just as puberty is, or at the time of motherhood.
Remember how confronting, challenging and life-changing these times were…menopause is the next transition.
Welcome 2021 We are ready for you
Happy New Year! Welcome 2021!
Fresh starts and new year resolutions - why do we wait until the new year to make change? Perhaps it is just because! Just because a new year gives us the opportunity to reset. And this new year, 2021, is one that we’ve all been waiting for.
The Other Microbiome and Your Vaginal Health
Today I wanted to introduce a not so often spoken out loud topic, but still very important - Vaginal Health. I want to talk about it in case you are experiencing symptoms and don’t know where to turn to get help, and to let you know that relief is possible…
The Journey Inwards
I have seen many women in Clinic these past few months who I feel really proud of and I am humbled by. We females are such diverse and unique beings, and I see such strength and loving kindness among all. I see through these women such strength of character to bear the loads we carry. To move beyond past traumas, prejudices and discriminations, to pull themselves from adversity and struggle…
Reconnect Refocus Your Health
Are you post 40’s, haven’t been feeling on top of the world and have gotten yourself into a bit of a pickle with regards your cardiovascular and liver health. Whilst we are steaming through our 20’s and 30’s keeping up with all the demands upon us we aren’t warned or have the time to think about this stage of life. It can creep up and then one morning we wake up wondering what happened?
Citrus All-Purpose Cleaner
Simple recipe for an all natural all purpose DIY cleaner. Removing chemicals from the home is a step towards health and wellness. Here’s an easy way to get rid of one every-day chemical products and use up some kitchen scraps in the process!