Corrie - Pause You Counselling

Counselling for individuals experiencing burnout, stress, anxiety, people pleasing, perfectionism and self-doubt.

Corrie is dedicated to empowering women to live authentically amidst the pressures of modern life. She specialises in burnout and stress, often linked to people-pleasing and perfectionism. Corrie has a special interest in supporting unpaid carers navigating multiple roles and life transitions, as well as individuals living with chronic illness and disability.

She is genuine, warm, and empathetic, creating a safe space for clients to discuss challenges without judgment. Corrie supports clients with compassion, authenticity, and curiosity, prioritising trust, openness, and kindness. Her therapy sessions are collaborative, aimed at achieving sustainable long-term change.

Engaging in therapy with Corrie can provide new perspectives and strategies for better managing emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Her approach supports clients to find direction, purpose, and meaning especially through life's transitions.

Corrie brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to her practice having obtained a Master of Counselling and is a current member of the Australian Counselling Association. If you think we might be a good fit, please get in touch.

Counselling Services

  • Burnout, Stress and Anxiety counselling

  • Carer Burnout and Stress Counselling

  • Navigating Illness & Disability

  • Contemplating Change

  • In-Person & Telehealth Appointments

So what is this thing called burnout?

As per the World Health Organisation (WHO), burnout stems from unaddressed chronic stress. Essentially, it's the accumulation of numerous small stressors and warning signs that are disregarded while you persist in multitasking, pushing yourself to the limit, and trying to handle everything—however you may label it—until you inevitably reach a breaking point.

What can be some of the cause?

There are various environments that can lead to burnout, with work being the most obvious culprit! This includes tasks at home, getting chores done and caring for family members. Sometimes, burnout arises from a combination of both work and home responsibilities. It can be triggered by external factors, like an endless to-do list, or internal traits such as perfectionism and people-pleasing tendencies. Think of unrelenting standards and struggles with setting boundaries. Just thinking about it is exhausting!

How do you avoid getting to the point of burnout?

Recognising the early signs of burnout can help you to take proactive steps to avoid burnout. is to recognise the signs of stress. It's important to take notice of stress signals. So what are the signs you need to keep an eye on?

  • Persistent fatigue, feeling REALLY, REALLY tired.

  • Waking up with no energy and struggling to get out of bed, hitting the snooze button repeatedly.

  • Growing irritability and frustration with your significant others more than usual.

  • Decreased motivation.

  • Avoiding activities and social events that you usually enjoy.

  • Difficulty concentrating, finding yourself re-reading the same paragraph multiple times.

  • Experiencing cognitive dysfunction, such as forgetting things or feeling confused.

  • Feeling like you're barely keeping your head above water.

    What can you do?

Don't ignore the signs! Gabriella Tavella and Gordon Parker, authors of "Burnout: A Guide to Identifying Burnout and Pathways to Recovery," recommend making changes to your environment, whether it's at work, home, or both. Implement de-stressing strategies like mindfulness and exercise. Tune into your bodily sensations, such as the lump in your throat or the knot in your stomach. There are countless strategies you can adopt, but the key is that something needs to change. Yes, you need to do something different.

To read more from Corrie about Burnout CLICK HERE

Contact Corrie.

Available in person at Nourish and Breathe Thursdays,

Online Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday’s